Fall Nordic Dryland Training Clinic

The Endurance Adventures fall Nordic dryland training clinic will include various balance, strength, and dryland ski drills to prepare our bodies for the upcoming ski season. Following the outdoor clinic, participants can enjoy Kim’s favorite fall appetizers/beverages as they hear about past and future Endurance Adventures 2024/25 ski trips!

  • Date:  September 30
  • Time: 6 – 8 PM
  • Where: Kim Rudd’s Home and French Regional Park trails. We will meet at Kim’s home, which is only a few blocks away from French Parks ski trails.
  • What to bring: Classic ski poles or short bounding poles (armpit length).
  • Schedule:
    • 6:00 – 7:00 Outdoor ski pole hiking, strength, and balance clinic.
    • 7:00- 8:00 Enjoy fall homemade appetizers and drinks at Kim Rudd’s home while watching a slide show of past Endurance Adventure ski trips.