Saturday, November 16, 2024
Presented by:

Join coach Kim Rudd, Jan Guenther, and Cara Battles for the Women’s Nordic kick-off clinic. Meet new friends while getting a ski-specific cardio workout! Tips on nutrition, training, injury prevention, and ski travel.

Dryland Clinic: Coaches will lead a 2-hour dryland clinic at Wood-Rill Trails focused on classic and skate technique drills. The workout will include an agility warm-up, balance drills, glute activation exercises, plyometrics, pole hiking, and bounding.
Post-Workout Treats and Nutrition: While participants enjoy healthy protein/carb treats, they will hear a presentation on best post and pre-workout nutrition.
Latest Nordic Apparel: Gear West Bike and Ski Store owner Jan Guenther will provide tips on dressing for the weather in style!
Training Guidelines and Tips for Busy Women: Join all three coaches for a Q&A topics including:
- How to build a general training plan for challenging work and family schedules.
- How to prioritize training.
- Pros and cons of various workouts as they relate to skiing.
- Should I roller ski?
- How important is strength?
- Common training mistakes and more!

Skiing Adventures Near & Far: Kim Rudd with Endurance Adventures will present on ski adventure trips local, national and international.
Injury Prevention: Cara Battles from Precision Performance Physical Therapy will teach about ways to minimize the risk of injury for the Nordic season.
Hot Sauna and Polar Plunge: End the morning with an optional hot sauna and polar plunge in Long Lake using one of Gear West’s saunas!
- WHEN: Saturday, November 16, 2024
- TIME: 8 AM – 12 PM
- 8 – 10 AM: Outdoor clinic location: Wood-Rill Trails ( if there is natural snow we will move the clinic to a ski trail location).
- 10 – 12 PM: Indoor clinic location: Gear West Ski Shop
COST: $25
SPONSORED BY: Endurance Adventures, Gear West and Precision Physical Therapy